
Posts Tagged ‘symbolism’

I’m delighted to have Paige Bleu here today to talk about her writing and help us to get inside her head a little.

Paige Bleu is an Indie-Author, currently working on publishing and promoting her supernatural, fantasy series-‘The Ameryn Chronicles’. Volume 1-‘Finding Summerland’-became available in July 2012. This is the first officially published work of Paige’s, who was a ghost writer previously, as well as many other things! Paige is on her own journey of self discovery…learning the ropes of marketing, social networking, and self publishing simultaneously. She shares the experience with followers through blogging…candidly dishing over the perils of juggling work, life, and her passion for writing. Her style is unconventional and unique, reflecting her own eclectic, ‘free bird’ personality.

Right now Paige is working on the second installment of the ‘Ameryn’ series, ‘LivEternal’. Future projects include another young adult, paranormal series, as well as a few short stories and memoirs. Beyond that could be anything…that’s the beauty of being an indie-author…you never know what might come next!

What is your book about?

Follow the journey of two star crossed souls as they explore who they are, and the ties that bind them. Enter a world intentionally forgotten. A place buried by history, where only the chosen are aware of its existence. A place covenants are made and broken. Where myth leads to truth. And forbidden love threatens to destroy, or be destroyed. Becoming just another casualty in their shadow war.

Edgy enough to engage readers who enjoy unravelling a mystery…Sweet enough, to grab onto the hearts of the romance lovers! Stretch the bounds of ordinary imagination…Where legends breathe and dreams are alive.  A ‘trippy’ journey to a new reality…

If you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future?

Definitely the past. I’ll see my own future soon enough and to be frank, beyond that scares me! I would go back and see the building of the megaliths and the other wonders of the world. Maybe back even further to when it all began. That would be amazing.

If you could invite any 5 people to dinner who would you choose?

1-The Dali Lama: He fascinates me

2-Karl Pilkington: He tickles my funny bones

3-Alexander Skarsgrard: YuMmY

4-Nikola Tesla: My hero

5-Neil Diamond: Don’t laugh! I’ve loved that man since I was 6!

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you want with you?

1-Aquaphor: I hate chapped lips!

2-A Bible: I would want good reading material and I figure you can never read it too many times.

3-Sunscreen: I’m very pale!

What is one book everyone should read?

Jane Eyre. It was written so beautifully. The language, the symbolism, it’s unlike most books you would find today. It’s timeless.

If you could have any superpower what would you choose?

Invisibility. Think of all you would learn.

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

This is like a trick question! Only one? Come on….really!! How bout 1/5 rocky road-1/5 chocolate mint chip-2/5 nutty coconut-and 1/5 Oreo. See how I foiled you. Seriously, I would buy that ice cream if it existed!

If you could meet one person who has died who would you choose?

My Grandfather who died before I was born.

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?

I never eat breakfast. Coffee is my breakfast. I love the chocolate chip frappes from Micky D’s!! Breakfast of champions. Usually Lucky Charms are my 4 am snack though.

Night owl, or early bird?

I’m psycho in the morning before my frappe and a moment alone. Def a Night Prowler! I write a lot at crazy hours. Some of my best (perhaps full of typos!) work.

One food you would never eat?


Pet Peeves?

Lying with no good reason. Everybody lies from time to time but usually for a legit reason…not just for sport. Errr!

Skittles or M&Ms?

M&Ms hands down. I’m a chocolate girl. I’m a vegetarian…I eat enough real fruit!

Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.

I’ll cry a lot if you don’t and do you really want that on your conscience?

Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?

LivEternal, the second book in the series is in full swing…hopefully ready for release by December. My goal is to find the time to finish all 5. Then I have another series up my sleeve.

What inspired you to want to become a writer?

I always wrote. It was in me when I was born. I was a weird kid who daydreamed a lot and had imaginary friends! Then when I grew up I assimilated for awhile. Now I’m back like a phoenix!

Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.

An email from my first real fan. She’s a 13 year old girl struggling to become a writer. She said she looked up to me and asked me about my challenges so far…it almost made me cry. Even though I’ve never met her and I’m nobody’s hero, it touched me. Someday I know I’ll be reading her books!

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world which would it be?

Narnia. That would be a trip!

What is your dream cast for your book?

A bunch of raw, Indi artists. People you’ve never heard of. Although I would make Alexander Skarsgard Sabian. He would be too hot to refuse!

Is there a song you could list as the theme song for your book or any of your characters?

Hurt by Johnny Cash. It sums Wes up in book one.

What’s the craziest writing idea you’ve had?

To write a non fiction. I’m very private but I have some truly amazing stories. Don’t we all?!



BOOK PAGE- http://bit.ly/PzxL9v

AUTHOR PAGE- http://bit.ly/SpZeJ7


AUTHOR FAN PAGE- http://on.fb.me/RSzWR4

BOOK FAN PAGE- http://on.fb.me/Vwg0Vi




PAIGE BLEU- http://bit.ly/RhMHGi

BLEUS’S REVIEWS- http://bit.ly/TctMif














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